Your mental wellness starts here.
Meet the Founder
Black Lotus Mental Wellness was founded by Psychotherapist, Social Worker, and Yoga Instructor Deshawna Dookie, offering mental health counselling as a primary service, complemented by yoga and mental health workshops. With a deep commitment to culturally informed and dynamic support, Black Lotus is invested in the holistic growth and empowerment of individuals and organizations.
Our Values
Cultural practices inform who we are, and who we choose to be. This might include choosing to continue practices from our cultures, or having experiences of stigma from our cultures.
Culturally Informed
Trauma Informed
We recognize the effects that intergenerational oppression has had on Black and Brown folx, on a community, familial and a personal level. We implement this knowledge into each of the services we offer.
We look at the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of your life to inform how we can best improve your mental wellness.
Our Practice
A dynamic therapeutic practice
Through a combination of therapeutic methods and yoga and meditative techniques, sessions are catered to your individual need. Learn more about our modalities below.
Building Impact with our Partners
Contact us
Black Lotus
Toronto, ON, Canada
M4P 1Y3